Think Dream Create Inovate

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Admonish = usurp (reprove)                           merry = gay
Alienate = estrange (isolate)                           instigate = incite
Dispel = dissipate (dismiss)                            belief = conviction     
Covet= crave (desire)                                      belated = too late       
Solicit = beseech (seek)                                   brim = border
Subside = wane (drop)                                    renounce= reject
Hover = linger (stay close)                              divulge = reveal
Heap = to pile (collect)                                   adhesive = bonding agent
Veer = diverge (turn)                                      hamper = obstruct
Caprice = whim (impulse)                               to merit= to deserve
Stifle = suffocate (smother)                            inert = passive        
Latent = potential (inactive)                           latitude = scope
Concur = acquiesce (accept)                           momentary = transient
Tranquil = serene (calm)                                  overt = obvious
Lethargy = stupor (lazy)                                 volume = quantity      
Furtive= stealthy (secret)                                meager = scanty
Cargo = freight (load)                                     baffle = frustrate
Efface = obliterate (wipe out)                         misery = distress        
Pretentious = ostentatious (affected)              discretion = prudence                        
Compunction = remorse (regret)                     amiable = friendly
Cajole = coax (wheedle – sweet talk)             incentive = provocation

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