1.What do the following declaration signify?
int *ptr[30];
A. ptr is a pointer to an array of 30 integer pointers.
B. ptr is a array of 30 pointers to integers.
C. ptr is a array of 30 integer pointers.
D. ptr is a array 30 pointers.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
2.What do the following declaration signify?
char *arr[10];
A. arr is a array of 10 character pointers.
B. arr is a array of function pointer.
C. arr is a array of characters.
D. arr is a pointer to array of characters.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
3.What do the following declaration signify?
int (*pf)();
A. pf is a pointer to function.
B. pf is a function pointer.
C. pf is a pointer to a function which return int
D. pf is a function of pointer variable.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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